Monday, 17 April 2017

The use of technology in Education - abstracts due 18 May - Singapore

Oh, the potential and dreams locked up in the colourful tails of the aircraft parked at the Cape Town International Airport 
Not much time left to submit an abstract to present at the Singapore Education Technology Conference (SETC) that will be held on 23 and 24 August at the newly refurbished Holiday Inn Atrium. The conference hosts are East Asia Research (EAR) and Siam University. Early bird registration ends 4 July (SGD 750) after which the registration fee will be 820 SGD.

The fourth revolution in society is fast turning the world into a technology based system without which academics and tertiary students cannot function. For every person that access the internet through a computer, there are two persons accessing it through their mobile phones. This means that educators need to focus on mobile learning and the constant developments in technology should be a focus point for training and skills development opportunities for academics worldwide.

The call for abstracts is open and some of the interesting suggested topics include: Academic Advising and Counselling; Adult Education; Asynchronous Learning; Authoring Tools; Building an Introductory Global Studies Course; Building E-Learning Architectures; Business Education; Casual Factors of Educational Development; Collaborative Learning; Courseware Development; Cross Cultural Aspects of Education; Cross-disciplinary areas of Education; Curriculum, Research and Development; Developing and Organizational e-Learning Strategy; Developing, Integrating, and Delivering E-Learning Solutions; Digital Libraries for E-Learning; Distance Education; Early Childhood Education; Education Policy and Leadership; Educational Administration; Educational Foundations; Educational Leadership; Educational Measurement and Evaluation; Educational Psychology; Educational Technology; E-Learning Tools and Systems; E-Learning Content Development; Publishing Tools for E-Learning; Equal Access to Education; Performance Measurement and Assessment; Gender in Education; Global Education Systems; Health Education; Higher Education; Mathematics Education; Methods and Procedures for the Global Classroom; Industry-University Partnering Infrastructure of E-Learning Environments; Kinesiology; Language Education; Politics and Education; Quality Management and Assessment in E-Learning; Social and Cultural Issues and Education; Special Education; Teaching Ethical Intercultural Communication; The Interdependence between Education and Development; Virtual Universities, Classrooms, and Laboratories.

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