Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Awareness of the need for lifelong learning - conference in Portugal

On our way to Europe via Dubai 
Just more than 150 days to go to the start of the third International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for all (ICLEL) that will be held in Porto from 12 to 14 September 2017. Porto is the second largest city after Lisbon in Portugal and is served by its own international airport that makes access easy from all over the world. The city is located on the Iberian Peninsula. 

Over the last twenty years it became clear that to be employable and promotable, people working in the technology driven network society need to embrace lifelong learning. On the one hand, this is overstating the obvious, as humans are constantly learning and adapting to circumstances anyway but on the other hand it is clear that there should be more focus on continuous opportunities for learning and development formal Higher Education if this sector wants to retain its influence and impact on society in the years to come. 

With more than 50 topics related to Life long learning in about every sector of Education, academics from all subject fields would be able to present research findings and learn from others. How awesome would it be to have research published on 'Lifelong learning in...' and having the topic or subject field of choice added to complete the title. Keynote speakers include Prof. John Holford (England), Prof. Danielle Taana Smith (USA) and Prof. Mehmet Saribiyilc (Turkey). One of the workshops will focus on outdoor learning and creativity. The aim of the conference is to have an enriching social and cultural learning curve as well as an academic learning experience.

Abstracts must be submitted by 30 June and the conference registration fee is 250 Euros. Academics are also welcome to present more than one paper (with an linked increase in registration fee). Previous year's abstract publications are ISI listed.  

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