Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Critical thinking - a conference

A sure place to practice critical thinking is the the African wilderness (but not while watching elephants though)
Looking for academic stimulation? Critical thinking is an important skill for all academics and how nice could it be to be at a conference focus on this? Registration is open for the 37th International Conference on Critical Thinking and Educational Reform. This year the conference will take place at the Sonoma State University in North Carolina. Delegates will stay on campus in a newly build facility, all with private rooms and private bathrooms. All meals are also included which tends to soften the $1470 early bird registration fee that applies until 10 June 2017. The theme of this year's conference is Cultivating fair-minded critical thinking across education and throughout human societies. The conference dates are 31 July to 4 August. Keynote speakers include Dr. Linda Elder, Dr Brain Barnes, Dr. Paul Bankes and Dr. Gerald Nosich. This means that this conference is not to be missed! And for those who need it, academic credit is available at this conference.

Educators not only need to be critical thinkers themselves, they also need their students to develop this skill. One way of ensuring the growth and development of critical thinking skills is through using applicable assessment tools and providing enough opportunities for students to work and practice their abilities. The critical thinking community provides tests and assessment tools provide support to those who need it on their web page. However, for those who register for the annual conference, there is an extra bonus of two guides on assessment (Critical Thinking Competency Standards and Critical Thinking Reading and Writing Test).  And this is not all: There is an online library and the Critical Thinking community offers both on-site and remote professional development programs in critical thinking? 

Apart form the annual international conference, the critical thinking community also host a few regional conferences each year.

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