Monday, 19 February 2018

A South African History conference on miracles and mirages

The Historical Association of South Africa's 2018 conference will be held in Thaba Nchu
The call is open for abstracts to present at the biennial conference of the Historical Association of South Africa (HASA). This conference is not to be missed, even if you are not a full-blooded historian. The conference theme of Miracles and Mirages: 'The fall of the oldest and rise of the newest South Africa... and beyond' should spark interest from all South Africans and even people beyond our borders. And if this is not enough, look at the list of sub themes that the conference participants will address during cold winter days of 20-22 June at the Black Mountain Leisure & Conference hotel in Thaba Nchu. Although it is summer now and South Africa is sizzling, this part of the country can get extremely cold in winter time - just what is asked for to keep all indoors and glued to their seats while listening to these:

Themes  for this years' conference include:
Free falling education on the South African education systems;
The bang-bang club on defence, security and crime;
In all fairness on identity, equality, reconciliation;
Law, order and anarchy on Justice and ethics;
Talking (none)cents on economics and industry;
Drizzles, deserts and diamonds on water, ecology, poaching, pollution and preservation;
In a heartbeat on healthcare;
Food for thought on agriculture and farming;
Count your words on freedom of speech, media and communication;
From a different angle on art music, sport, literature and social history;
Politics and other tricks on just that;
Preserving history on museums, statues, parks and places, heritage tourism and the 'platteland'; Scripture, saints and sinners on religion, theology and belief systems;
Just a though on methodology, philosophy, oral history and mind-shifts.

Documentary films will also be accepted as presentations at the conference. The final date for abstracts (including those on films) is 22 February 2018.  Early bird conference fee is R2800 and the University of the Free State will be hosting this years' event.

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