Monday 31 July 2017

What about a conference review website?

Cape Town is one of the most popular conference venues in South Africa
Reviews are subjective. We all know this, but although they are bias, we still read them and use them to figure out which hotel to book, which airline to use, where to eat and what to avoid. When planning a trip, my first stop after deciding on a destination, is usually web pages such as TripAdvisor. Although I have loyalty cards and therefore already know which brands I will probably use when it comes to airlines and hotels, I do not want to book my stay in a hotel that 'is in bad shape' or desperately in 'need of an upgrade'. I also make sure that I read recent reviews (as some of the reviews at the top of the list are sometimes outdated) and try to read several reviews on the same hotel in order to try to get a more balanced view. 

If this could be done for conferences also, we will be able to evaluate the merit of attending a conference before spending huge amounts of money. To me one of the saddest things about presenting at international conferences is the disappointment when your expectations are deceived. We paid thousands of rands to attend an international conference once, to find that the host did not pitch. Another time, the 'university' was a suburban house with a plastic banner that transform it to the 'university' that even the neighbours did not know existed. 

How about a rating system, such as a five star evaluation for issues such as planning and organisation, venue, international exposure, value for money, response and support and a topic ranking. Additionally, the hotel accommodation linked to the conference and the additional site seeing tours or excursions can also be evaluated on this star system. 

Any of you interested to join in? And how about suggestions for the rating system? 

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